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Our director and founder, Mandy Cracknell, was recognized for her dedication in this article written by Nikky Carvey. 

One woman stands behind them all.

KVAL news- Local Rescue steps up for dogs thrown from an RV

Two innocent puppies were thrown from an RV and left for dead at a busy shopping center's parking lot. One had a shattered hip. The man who found them drove to Eugene (from Albany) in Oregon desperate for help. We took them in and Ginger received emergency surgery. Both puppies were shown real love and found wonderful homes. 

In the news.

Huffington Post - SevaDog takes in a Pit Bull rescued by Hope for Paws

We were honored to be a part of this rescue success story. The Huffington Post wrote a wonderful article on her journey to SevaDog. This Abandoned Pit Bull Was Almost Too Shy To Be Rescued. Now She Loves Everyone

Stranded Pit Bull Struggling to Survive

Hope for Paws rescued a Pit Bull who was deserted, barely hanging on to life. Eldad Hagar rescued her in this must see video. She came to SevaDog for rehabilitation and to find her forever home. We nearly lost her to pneumonia, her lungs were full of desert sand. But she made it, and learned how to be a family dog. She is now in a wonderful home and has her own Facebook page!

Saved and Rehabilitated at SevaDog

A collaboration of Rescues

Get the details of this incredible rescue story. 

SevaDog in the Eugene Weekly

Bunny was quite the celebrity, a viral video right here in Eugene! Finding the perfect match was a challenge. Thank you to Eugene Weekly for helping us out.

A viral video catches attention of the community

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